Yonkers Accident Lawyers Free Consultation

Yonkers Accident Lawyers
Yonkers accident attorneys are on hand to offer a free consultation. We will engage with you to understand if you have a credible case against any likely defendant. In assessing your case, we will examine the pertinent facts and utilize the existing law to ascertain if we are able to represent you.
Yonkers Accident Lawyers Consultation
What should you expect at any meeting? Well, here is a non-exhaustive list of what Yonkers Accident Lawyers will typically ask you about at an initial consultation.
- When did the accident happen?
- Where did the accident happen
- How did the accident happen?
- What immediately happened after the accident?
- Did you talk to anyone about the accident at the scene?
- Did you get any drivers license and insurance information of the other driver?
- Did emergency services arrive at the scene of the accident?
- Were you taken to the hospital from the scene?
- Did they give you a diagnosis at the hospital?
- Have you been seen by any medical professional afterwards?
- What are your injuries as of today?
- Do you have the contact information or names of any witnesses?
- Have you ever been in a prior personal injury accident?
- Have you ever sustained a similar injury to the same body parts prior to the accident?
Yonkers Accident Lawyers will listen intently and ask followup questions to see if you have a viable case and whether our law firm is interested in taking your matter.
Please note that no attorney-client relationship is created until both parties enter into a written and signed retainer agreement. We always advise clients that the time to file any claim is limited under New York Law. It is also important to note that prior results do not guarantee similar outcomes.
If you have been seriously injured, and are in need of Yonkers accident lawyers, call us today to discuss and to schedule an initial consultation.